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High Contrast Extreme Harlequin

High Contrast Extreme Harlequin


Name: Bean

Sex: No Pores (Probable Female) 

Size: 13g

Morph: High Contrast Extreme Harlequin

Parents: Dracor x Doritos


We are releasing another Dracor and Nilla baby (If you don't know who they are, check out the links above, they are extremely beautiful with tons of cream and pattern). Bean is going to have an insane amount of pattern by the time she becomes an adult. The contrast on this girl is to die for in person and should be jet black in a few more months, just like her Pappa! (NOTE: she has some scarring at the base of his tail due to his clutch mate. It has healed over since and looks good now).


• Feeding on Repashy, Pangea and crickets.

• 7 day health guarantee

• Correlophus ciliatus


Please read through our Terms & Conditions before purchasing a Crested Gecko from us. 

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