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Pink Line ✿ with White Portholes Crested Gecko

Pink Line ✿ with White Portholes Crested Gecko


Name: Florence

Sex: Probable Female (No pores seen)

Size: 9g

Morph: Pink Line ✿ with White Portholes Crested Gecko

Parents: Supreme x Magdalene

Shown: Unfired & Fired

You can read about our TruePink geckos HERE

I might end up regretting selling Florence. You just can't tell at this age what they're going to do. Are the white portholes going to spread? Will there be more of them? Probably. But how much more?

Her color is looking very good for her size as well. Very pale pink when unfired and she fires very bright. The bright fired color will tone down as she ages and she'll get even lighter when unfired. I just hope I'm not making a mistake listing her so early.

• Feeding on Pangea

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• Correlophus ciliatus

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