Pink Lines Harlequin Crested Gecko
Name: Bastion
Sex: Probable Male
Size: 6.2g
Morph: Pink Lines Harlequin Crested Gecko
Parents: Ultra x Mary
Shown: Unfired & Fired
I wish I had a time machine and could go back and take lots of baby pictures of Ultra & Mary. I got the second best thing though and that is their babies basically look almost exactly like one or the other when they were that age. Ultra & Mary have been killing it with their offspring and we're just so thrilled to have them paired again in 2022! You can tell Bastion takes after Ultra with his pattern. Coloration is excellent on both parents and nearly all their kids have amazing color as well.
• Feeding on Pangea
• 7 day health guarantee
• Correlophus ciliatus
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